What is CISS?

What is CISS?
This is not a very hard question to answer! In a few words CISS came from Continuous Ink Supply System and is a way for printing more efficiently and cheaper. CISS systems replace the default cartridges from your printer and his main components are:
• Cartridges identically with those of your printer,
• A set of tubes,
• Ink tanks.
Installing a system like this on your printer is not very hard but you need to take care of a few rules:
1. Buy a CISS system for your printer. On the market we can find CISS systems for a wide range of printer so take a look at your printer model and buy a CISS suitable for your printer.
2. The ink tanks need to be placed at the same level as your printer.
3. Take care how you route the plastic tubes because those can block or jam different components of the printer.

If you want to see how a CISS system is installed just watch the following movies:

The main benefit of this system is cheap and continuous printing. If we do a little math we found that on a printer like Canon MG 5250 a CISS system (with the ink tanks full) can replace the equivalent of eleven sets of cartridges. Let’s continue with the math, a set of cartridges for that printer is sold at 50 euro, the same price as a CISS system full with ink.

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Mai multa memorie pe laptop-ul tau!

Am discutat destul de mult despre desktop-uri, acum a sosit rândul laptop-urilor. Acestea fiind dispozitive mai compacte nu este chiar aşa de uşor să upgradăm sau să înlocuim componentele. Înainte de a începe lucrul trebuie să avem la îndemână un set de şurubelniţe de precizie. Atenţie! Nu utilizaţi scule improvizate pentru că puteţi distruge capul şurubului făcând scoaterea acestuia grea sau imposibilă. Înainte de a ne apuca să desfacem laptop-ul decuplaţi-l de la reţeaua de alimentare cu energie electrică apoi scoateţi bateria.

Următorul filmuleţ ne arată cum să înlocuim memoria RAM la un laptop DELL.

Şi mai jos vedem cum putem schimba memoria RAM si discul SSD (Solid State Drive) la un Netbook Asus Eee PC.

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Cheap print with CISSmarket.com

For the start let's talk about the CISS (continuous ink supply system). This system is designed to replace the original cartridge of your printer for uninterrupted and cheaper printing. Most of your ink jet printers have small and expensive cartridges which made the printing process less efficient from the view of costs and time.
The main components part of a ciss system is:
- Cartridges like your printer default ones,
- Ink tanks placed outside of your printer
- A system of tube which connect the cartridges from your printer with the ink tanks.

The CISS is a great alternative for printing black and white and color because reduce printing costs by up to 95%, the refilling process of the external tanks is very easy and less time consuming, the printing quality is similar to that obtained from using conventional cartridges. More details you find here: http://cisscom.plotmydev.com/blog/eu/2011/05/what-is-ciss/
The online store www.CISSmarket.com have CISS systems for a large variety of printers from main producer like HP, Canon, Epson and others.
In the next video we can see how a CISS system is installed on a Epson printer.

In the end let’s make a short case study. The printer is Epson Stylus SX218. That printer have four cartridges, black, magenta, cyan and yellow. A set of cartridges for that printer cost 35 euro. At www.CISSmarket.com a CISS system for that printer cost 29.9 euro. At this price we have a CISS system full with 400 ml of ink (100 ml for each color) the equivalent of 13 black cartridges and 18 sets of color cartridges.

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